Compressed air treatment (PSI dryer and filters)


Author: PSI Filter

To ensure the expected performance and reliability of a compressed air system, the selection of all components within a compressed air system must be considered carefully. The increased use of compressed air and the development of many new and more sophisticated devices and controls have accelerated the need for clean, dry air. This chapter will provide information on the importance of clean, dry air and the various air treatment technologies that are available to obtain it. Applications Requiring Clean, Dry Air Most compressed air applications require some air treatment. Following are some examples of the negative impact of moisture in a compressed air system and the reasons that applications require clean, dry air.


 Plant Air
In almost every operation, clean, dry compressed air will result in lower operating costs. Dirt, water, and oil entrained in the air will be deposited on the inner surfaces of pipes and fittings, causing an increase in pressure drop in the line. A loss of pressure is a loss of energy used to compress the air, and a reduced pressure at the point-of-use results in a loss of performance efficiency. Liquid water accelerates corrosion and shortens the useful life of equipment, and carryover of corrosion particles can plug valves, fittings, and instrument control lines. When water freezes in these components, similar plugging will occur.
 Valves and Cylinders
Deposits of sludge formed by dirty, wet, and oily air act as a drag on pneumatic cylinders so that the seals and bearings need frequent maintenance. Operation is slowed and eventually stopped. Moisture dilutes the oil required for the head and rod of an air cylinder, corrodes the walls, and slows response. This results in loss of efficiency and production. Moisture flowing to rubber diaphragms in valves can cause these parts to stiffen and rupture. Moisture also can cause spools and pistons to pit. In high speed production, a sluggish or stuck cylinder could create costly downtime. A clean, dry air supply can prevent many of these potential problems.
PSI Compressed Air Dryer Y2 Model almost can help you prevent these problems.

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